Have you ever done the same thing over and over and over, expecting a different result? I have. This year is my third attempt at keeping a successful gym membership and I haven’t given up. My first …
Get Coached and win an Olympic Gold
It was Thomas Edison the great American inventor, scientist and businessman who said ‘If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literarily astound ourselves’ This …
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Do you know where you are going?
'Do not go where there is a path. Instead go where others haven't gone, and leave a trail. - Ralph W. Emerson If you were to ask - where am I going with this blog? My honest answer would be - I …
Start Now Not Later
Perhaps there is some thing you have been putting off for quite a while and you are wondering just when are you going to get the time to start. Well my answer to you is to start now and not …