How to Quickly Set up a Web Shop and Boost Your Sales

How to Quickly Set up a Web Shop and Boost Your Sales

You will no doubt agree with me that online shopping is on the increase and there is no reason why your business should not benefit from the billions of dollars spent in shopping through this channel every year. [featured-image single_newwindow=”false”](Image courtesy of Dollar Photo Club)[/featured-image] It doesn’t matter that you have one product or many products, giving…

How to Get More Done In Less Time When You Work From Home

How to Get More Done In Less Time When You Work From Home

Working from home is becoming an increasingly popular way of doing business. I spend half of my time working from home and the other half working as a Pharmacist in my pharmacy. And I have struggled at various times to keep productive when working from home. [featured-image single_newwindow=”false”](Image courtesy of Dollar Photo Club)[/featured-image] If you can…

3 Productivity Secrets to Boost Your Life

3 Productivity Secrets to Boost Your Life

In today’s world, the demand on your time, energy and other resources is endless. You have to juggle the demands of work, family and anyone else who rightly or wrongly feels that they have a claim to your attention. [featured-image single_newwindow=”false”](Image courtesy of Dollar Photo Club)[/featured-image] Then there is the 24-hour availability that we put ourselves…

5 Sensible Reasons to Be Diligent

5 Sensible Reasons to Be Diligent

Diligence, is the constant and earnest effort to accomplish whatever is undertaken ( Diligence is also the steady application of effort to accomplish a task. [featured-image single_newwindow=”false”](Image courtesy of Dollar Photo Club)[/featured-image] At the heart of success in many endeavours is diligence. This is described by Atul Gawande in his book “Better: A Surgeon’s Notes on…

Are you living your Dream?

Are you living your Dream?

There are two kinds of intelligence: one acquired, as a child in school memorizes facts and concepts from books and from what the teacher says, collecting information from the traditional sciences as well as from the new sciences. [featured-image single_newwindow=”false”](Image courtesy of Dollar Photo Club)[/featured-image] With such intelligence you rise in the world. You get ranked…