Merry Christmas
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Thank You At Christmas

Today on Christmas day, I thank you for being an avid reader and supporter. [featured-image single_newwindow=”false”](Image courtesy of Dollar Photo Club)[/featured-image] [shareable cite=”Alexander Smith”]Christmas is the day that holds all time together[/shareable] Thank you for your ongoing support. I am encouraged by it. Thank you for your comments. I truly appreciate you taking the time to…

Success Is A Journey And You Will Get There If You Remain On the Road
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Success Is A Journey And You Will Get There If You Remain On the Road

Another year is coming to an end and as most people do, I tend to reflect on the past twelve months and prepare myself for the next twelve. So how has the year been for you? [featured-image single_newwindow=”false”][/featured-image]  For me it’s been a good year and I have to thank God for that. Not that I…

5 Good Habits That Will Boost Your Personal Development

5 Good Habits That Will Boost Your Personal Development

The foundation of your success lies in the habits you practise, whether you are aware of it or not. It therefore follows that you might as well be intentional about developing good habits especially the ones that will promote your personal development. Everything we do each day has a long-term effect, even though we may…

5 Simple Things That will Improve the Performance of Your Team

5 Simple Things That will Improve the Performance of Your Team

A few weeks ago, I attended the Toastmasters International District 91 autumn conference. The conference had rave reviews from people who enjoyed the event. From the workshops, the music to the ambience and the food, everything was done well and well organised. [featured-image single_newwindow=”false”](Image courtesy of Dollar Photo Club)[/featured-image] [shareable cite=”Michael Jordan”]Talent wins games, but teamwork and…