5 Simple Reasons For Inaction and What You Can Do About It
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5 Simple Reasons For Inaction and What You Can Do About It

In the summer of 1963, a young woman walked out of her job in protest of what she perceived as the ill-treatment of women in the workplace. [featured-image single_newwindow=”false”][/featured-image] Not knowing what to do next,  she decides to write a book to help women start businesses. As fate would have it, she put into practice…

How To Use Effective Feedback To Improve Your Performance

How To Use Effective Feedback To Improve Your Performance

It is now well established that practice does not always make perfect. If you are practicing the wrong things, then you are likely to be perfect at doing the wrong thing. However, the right kind of practice can improve your performance. This improvement comes from the evaluation of current performance followed by the giving of…

7 Simple Things You Can Do To Boost Your Life & Career
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7 Simple Things You Can Do To Boost Your Life & Career

Hey, are you making progress with your life or does it seem as if your life and career are going around the same circle. Does this sound like you? Well I can relate with that because once upon a time my life and career felt like they were going nowhere. [featured-image single_newwindow=”false”][/featured-image] Cheer up, there…

7 Simple Things You Can Do To Improve Your LinkedIn Profile
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7 Simple Things You Can Do To Improve Your LinkedIn Profile

Are you a LinkedIn user? LinkedIn may not feel like a crowded market, but with over 450 million users in more than 200 countries, what a crowded marketplace it is! [featured-image single_newwindow=”false”][/featured-image] Yet LinkedIn is said to be the best social media platform for business. LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network with a mission to…