In terms of your goals, you always want to reach as high as you can. Why not? You are the master of your own potential. But… have you ever had all these ideas and then froze when you have the opportunity to jump? More often than not, this is the case, and then you end up feeling deflated and uninspired. People tend to dismiss small progress as progress because it doesn’t completely change their life. What everyone needs to remember is that any progress is good progress, it gets you that little bit closer to your goals and takes a little bit of pressure off as you have already succeeded up and over that step.
By completing the smaller steps you will still make progress towards your “Master Goal” but you do it in easier to manage steps. Think BIG but start SMALL! As they say “slow and steady wins the race, so be more like the tortoise and less like the hare” I must say, I do love the lesson this story teaches you. If you go full steam ahead, you can and often will soon reach burn out. Much like the hare in the story who takes a nap under the tree. Whereas the tortoise takes each individual step in his stride which ultimately results in him winning the race.
What small differences can you make today to help you tomorrow?
Be willing to experiment. While of course there is always the risk of failure, but is it really failure? You may not reach your desired outcome but you have learnt something from it, you can use the lesson learnt to help you in the future. The small steps you take give you the little leeway you need, the privilege, of failing but failing forward and makes each unsuccessful attempt at change, growth or expansion a chance to learn what works and what does not work at little financial cost.
These “failures” do not knock you from the race, they give you the experience to know what you can do better next time, how you can keep going forward. Why not try these small steps to help get you closer to your dream.
- Make that phone call
- Submit that business proposal
- Ask for help
- Do something different with your evenings
- Apply for that job
- Sign up for that webinar
- Get out of bed earlier
- Work on that personal project today.
- Read that book
- Speak your mind, You are valuable!
If you wanted to try a different take to help you why not use a gratitude journal, write down what you are grateful for right now to help give you that boost. Whichever way you decide to go around it, just keep in mind the most important thing… Yourself!