Diligence, is the constant and earnest effort to accomplish whatever is undertaken (Dictionary.com). Diligence is also the steady application of effort to accomplish a task. [featured-image …
I Hate Waiting for Food – Lesson on Patience
I went out for a meal with a group of friends from church. For some reason, we decided on a restaurant that did not take pre-bookings. They assured us that if we came in early, we would not have to …
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Success Demands a Healthy Lifestyle
In our quest for success, it's so easy to push ourselves so hard to the point that our health suffers. Staying healthy is not something to add on to your life as an afterthought. It must always be …
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Welcome To My Newly Rejuvenated Blog
There will be times in your life and my life where we have to face the decision to pivot and take a new direction or to persevere and stay on the old path. I at this moment in my blogging career have …
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Standing On The Shoulders of Giants
In February 1676, Sir Isaac Newton penned these words to his fellow scientists: “We were dwarfs on the shoulders of giants, so that we can see more than they, and things at a great distance, not by …
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Do The Work Book Review
“I stand in awe of anyone who hatches a dream and who shows the guts to hang tough, all alone and see it through to reality.” – Steven Pressfield “Do the Work!” By Steven Pressfield; a book …