Why I Have Hope For The Future Of Our Young People

Why I Have Hope For The Future Of Our Young People

I was greatly inspired by all the young people who spoke and performed at the TEDxYouth Croydon 2015 event. It fills my heart with great joy that there is hope and an exciting future ahead in the world that we live in. [featured-image single_newwindow=”false”](Image courtesy of Dollar Photo Club)[/featured-image] All you ever hear about young people in…

Why You Should Think Less And Do More

Why You Should Think Less And Do More

As someone who makes the consistent effort to publish one blog post a week, one of the biggest obstacle I have to overcome is what is described as ‘writer’s block’ . This is a condition experienced by writers wherein the flow of words is slowed down and creativity is stifled. [featured-image single_newwindow=”false”](Image courtesy of Dollar Photo Club)[/featured-image] Then…