You Don’t Have to be Funny to Create Humour!!!
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You Don’t Have to be Funny to Create Humour!!!

Many of us speakers and presenters know the value of humour in a speech or presentation. Yet, we are quick to give excuses as to why our speeches and presentations are dull, dry and lifeless. I used to be a dull speaker until I incorporated humour into my presentations. [featured-image single_newwindow=”false”][/featured-image] [shareable cite=”Judy Carter”]No matter…

5 Things That Can Stop You Achieving Your Goals

5 Things That Can Stop You Achieving Your Goals

We all try to recognise the importance of setting goals throughout our lives to get things done; but among those of us who actually set goals, only a minority are actually able to achieve them.  [featured-image single_newwindow=”false”](Image courtesy of Dollar Photo Club)[/featured-image] This is strange, considering the fact that many people actually set up small and…

How To Speak Like A Pro – My Top 10 Public Speaking Tips
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How To Speak Like A Pro – My Top 10 Public Speaking Tips

This week I will be hosting my friend and past UK and Ireland Public Speaking champion to a webinar where we will be talking about how to prepare for your next speech competition. Not everyone will be preparing for a speech competition but everyone can benefit from improving their public speaking skills. So let me…

The Next Step Is All You Need To Know To Start

The Next Step Is All You Need To Know To Start

There are times in your journey when you know for sure where you are heading, but sometimes, you have to set off on a hunch without much clarity as to the destination. [featured-image single_newwindow=”false”](Image courtesy of Dollar Photo Club)[/featured-image] We left the running of the world’s financial markets to people we thought knew what they were…

5 Reasons Why You Need To Rediscover The Creative You
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5 Reasons Why You Need To Rediscover The Creative You

The process of creation starts with a thought – an idea, conception, visualisation. Everything you see was once someone’s idea. Nothing exists in your world that did not first start as pure thought ~ Neal Donald Walsch, American author of the series “Conversation with God” [featured-image single_newwindow=”false”](Image courtesy of Dollar Photo Club)[/featured-image] I have always been…