
The Power of a Shift in Environment

Every significant transition in life begins with a shift in environment—a moment when the familiar is left behind, and new possibilities emerge.

Whether it’s stepping into a new career, starting a business, or embracing a leadership role, success often requires a change in surroundings, mindset, and behavior.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is expecting a new outcome while remaining in the same place—physically, mentally, or emotionally.

Growth requires movement, and movement means leaving behind what no longer serves you.

In the Bible, Joseph’s life changed in a single day. One morning, he was a prisoner—by evening, he was second in command over Egypt.

His environment had changed, but with that change came new expectations, responsibilities, and challenges.

Likewise, when a shift happens in your life, you must ask yourself:

✔ Am I prepared for this transition?
✔ Do I understand the new expectations placed on me?
✔ Am I mentally and emotionally ready to operate at a higher level?

A new environment demands a new way of thinking, working, and engaging with the world.

Are You Ready for More?

Do you ever feel like you were made for more—but for some reason, you’re still in the same place?

Like you’re running hard, working hard, but not really moving forward?

I get it. I’ve been there. And let me tell you—you’re not stuck because you’re lazy. You’re stuck because something in your environment is holding you back.

Growth doesn’t just happen. If you stay in the same space, surrounded by the same people, doing the same things, then five years from now, you’ll be in the exact same place.

And that’s not what you want, is it?

If you want more, then you need to make a move. Because staying in the same environment while expecting different results is a guaranteed way to stay stuck.

How I Almost Got Stuck in My Own Prison

Years ago, I had a big dream—to build a chain of pharmacies. I imagined opening multiple locations within a decade.

But you know what actually happened?


Years passed, and I was still in the same store, doing the same thing, watching time move while I stayed the same.

Then one day, a longtime customer walked in, holding her son’s hand.

I smiled and said, “Mary, is that Joe?”

She nodded. “Yes! He’s eight years old now.”

That moment hit me hard.

The last time I had seen Joe, he was in a pram. And here he was, walking, talking, and growing up right in front of me.

And me?

Still standing in the same place.

That night, I went home and told my wife, “That’s it—I’m selling the pharmacy. This isn’t working for me.”

She looked at me and said something that stopped me in my tracks:

“Wole, you are bigger than you think. You’ve become too busy to think and act on your dreams.”

She was right.

I wasn’t stuck because I lacked ambition. I was stuck because I had settled into a routine that felt safe.

I had gotten too comfortable in an environment that wasn’t helping me grow.

And if I didn’t make a change, I was going to wake up 20 years from now, in the same place, counting tablets, counting pennies, and counting grey hairs.

I had to move.

And so do you.

The Fishtank Story: Why Environment Limits Growth

I remember asking a friend once, “Do you keep fish as pets? Do you have a fish tank?”

He laughed.

“I don’t, but my friend Steve does. And let me tell you—this guy is obsessed with his fish.”

Steve had an Oscar fish named Jerry, and he treated Jerry like a family member.

One day, Steve noticed something strange. Jerry wasn’t growing.

Oscar fish usually grow up to 15 inches, but Jerry had been the same size for months—except his belly was getting bigger.

I joked, “Maybe Jerry’s just getting a middle-aged spread.”

Steve didn’t laugh. “No, something’s wrong. I think it’s the size of the tank.”

Steve had read that the bigger the tank, the greater the chances of the fish growing to its full size. I told him, “Why don’t you get a bigger tank?”

His response?

“No way. My current tank still has three inches of space on Jerry’s head and tail. I’m not going to spend £200 on a bigger one just yet.”

Steve missed the real issue.

When fish live in a small tank, their growth isn’t just limited by space. The higher concentration of fish waste in the water creates a toxic environment—one that signals the fish’s biological system to shut down growth.

The same thing happens in life, business, and leadership.

Steve refused to buy a bigger tank, and one morning, he woke up to find Jerry dead.

And suddenly, it hit him.

He had spent months watching the signs, knowing something was wrong, but because he didn’t take action, he lost something valuable.

And that’s exactly what happens to so many people.

They see the signs. They know they need to move—to start, to expand, to change.

But they hesitate.

They wait.

And then one day, they realize it’s too late.

The question is—will that be you?

Why Do You Feel Stuck?

If you’re honest, something inside you knows you should have moved by now. But something keeps holding you back.

Here’s what could be stopping you:

1️⃣ You’ve Made Comfort Your Prison

You’re capable of more. You know it. But stepping into something bigger feels risky. So, you stay where it’s safe.

Maybe you’ve been in the same job for years. It’s not exciting, but at least you know what to expect.

Comfort zones don’t just keep you safe—they keep you small.

2️⃣ You’re in a New Season, but You’re Thinking Like the Old You

You can change jobs, cities, or industries, but if you don’t shift your mindset, you’ll recreate the same limitations in a new setting.

  • A promotion won’t help if you still think like an employee.
  • A bigger business won’t help if you still operate like a freelancer.

New opportunities require new thinking.

3️⃣ You’re Waiting for Permission Instead of Taking Action

If you’re waiting for someone to tell you it’s time to go after your dream, here it is.

This is your sign.

No one is coming to save you. You have to move.

How to Prepare for Your Next Level

When God, life, or circumstances open a new door, you must be ready. Here are three steps to prepare for a transition:

Start Thinking Bigger

  • What would happen if you stopped playing small?
  • Visualize possibilities beyond your current situation.
  • Surround yourself with people who challenge you to grow.

Recognize When an Environment No Longer Serves You

  • Is your routine limiting your growth?
  • Are you in a space that no longer challenges you?
  • Have you been resisting a necessary change out of fear?

Step into the New Season with Confidence

  • You don’t have to know everything—you just need to take the first step.
  • Growth is uncomfortable, but every promotion comes with new responsibilities.
  • Trust that what you’ve been through has prepared you for where you’re going.

Are You Ready to Step Up?

Joseph didn’t walk into Pharaoh’s court thinking like a prisoner.

He shaved, changed his clothes, and stepped forward with confidence.

He understood that when a new season comes, you have to show up differently.

And now it’s your turn.